Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 4

Good news, weather had cooled down quite a bit and the humidity must have dropped 1000 points on the official "you're going to be miserable" measuring device...also cooling off a little was KJ. A bit of an up and down final day, he managed to avoid 3 putts all week but he had 2 on Sunday and the distance control that was completely dialed in for R3, just wasn't as sharp on Sunday with all of the wind. It seemed that the pile of near misses from the week just caught up with him and he wasn't able to get anything meaningful going in the right direction.

However, T-39 after being 2 outside of the cut line with 9 to play is a positive to take away from the week, but not something that he was completely happy with either.


Some parting thoughts:
  • Although KJ is not "BFF's" with a lot of guys on tour, I heard so many positive comments from players, caddies, scorers etc. about what a great guy KJ is and how they respect the way that he conducts his business and how he treats people
  • I met a guy that played in a pro am with KJ and he echoed the sentiment of how much fun it was to play with him and how much KJ did to make the experience memorable
  • I think it says a lot that so many of the guys on tour really enjoy being paired with KJ
  • Lot of love from the fans too, it's fun to see him go from a "who's that guy" guy to a "hey, there's KJ" guy or even better a "you gotta love KJ" guy
  • KJ has always spotted and given his old golf balls to kids standing by and following and on Sunday, a family of four were up on a hill sharing some love just beyond #16 tee and KJ gave a tip of the cap and asked Prodger to toss a couple of balls for the 2 kids

Final WI Ramblings:

  • 75% of the patrons were either wearing green and yellow (paeh-ckers, doh-n't-chu-no) or red and white (baeh-gers)
  • There isn't an item out there that has not bought licensing rights for the Pah-ckers, you can buy a green and yellow ANYTHING, don't even try and come up with an exception...they make it, I saw it, and I can't believe someone bought it!
  • Officially saw mayo abuse first hand, often and of epic proportions...people of WI (or maybe more fairly those at the tournament) took mayo to a level that I didn't know existed in both quantity and in application to..."dude, it's not sunscreen, you don't need it all over your face?"
  • Try and use "Sheboygan" in a sentence and not sound like a kook
  • Ditto for "Kenosha", "Oconomowac", and "Waukesha"
  • State bird...mosquito

KJ's taking this week off, but will be back for the Fed Ex Cup Playoffs next week.

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